Choosing plants for your landscape can be a daunting task. Between placement, color schemes, and picking the right plants for your environment, it can be easy to lose the vision for your outdoor space. At Cintron Landscape Services, we are committed to helping others become knowledgeable about the right plants that will beautify their landscape.
This week we are focusing on the Bougainvillea. Bougainvillea is a beautiful plant with a unique and special history in Southwest Florida.
Bougainvillea has been in Southwest Florida since around 1857 in downtown Fort Myers. James E. Hendry, Grandson of Fort Myers’ first florist Julia Frierson, opened up the Everglades Nursery on Fowler Street and began growing Bougainvilleas. In 1922, at the suggestion of Thomas Edison, Hendry gave 100 Bougainvillea plants to residents in order to beautify Fort Myers. Bougainvilleas are also seen all over the Edison & Ford Estate in Fort Myers possibly due to Thomas Edison’s wife Mina, and her love for them.
Apart from its historical significance to our area. There are many reasons Bougainvilleas are ideal to add to your landscape. Bougainvilleas bloom a bright and beautiful array of colors from red, fuschia, white, yellow, and orange to name a few. Bougainvilleas are versatile and can be shaped into bushes, trees, or vines to mix well with your landscape. Bougainvilleas also have thorns at the stems which allows the plant to be used as a fence type hedge.
In addition to their aesthetic value, the Bougainvillea is the perfect plant for Southwest Florida because of the plant’s need to be in the sun and ability to withstand drought. The Bougainvillea also blooms 11 months out of the year giving your yard a touch of color through almost all four seasons.
To this day the Bougainvillea remains a signature plant in our area that can offer a variety of design options to make your outdoor space stand out. For more information on the Bougainvillea or any other landscaping inquiries please call Cintron Landscape Services at 239-768-1472 or visit cintronlandscape.com.